Monday, September 23, 2013

Cephalic Courier 4

Cephalic Courier

An ongoing story serially posted at the forum for Trese Brother's Games
Set in the world of Cyber Knights RPG
Written by shards

Trese Brothers Forums

Here goes nothing.

My name is Calico Hotomatsu. I work for Cyberdyne Medical Tech. This is my job. I am supposed to be here.
Walk through front door. Say hi to security guard. Ignore the gun don't pay attention to the gun. Place clipboard on the conveyer belt, followed by a pack of gum, four paper clips and a pile of lint. Turn out my pockets in front of the guard. I unhook my ExecuTazer from the complementary leg harness it came with and add it to the pile, flash the cam my permit. Calico's permit.
I had to leave my DX4 at home. I feel naked. How I'm going to hack into anything from anywhere I have no idea.

"Clear." The guard announces, snapping me out of my daze.
I move through the metal detector unharmed. Collect my things. Think clear thoughts. Think calm thoughts. I am surrounded by cameras and sensors. One too many heartbeats per second could frag the entire operation.
This is where my entire reconnaissance mission ceased to be of aid. Here, customers of Cyberdyne walk straight through the grandiose neo-marble lobby to the elevators on the far wall, which will take them anywhere on the first ten floors of the building. Above that were ten floors of high-security research labs. They can only be reached via the employee entrance, off to the side. That's where I'm going.

The next gate is a turnstile. I watch as tired-looking corporate drones press their finger to a pad, wait for their name and a picture to show up on a screen, and walk through. Think clear thoughts. Think calm thoughts. I press my finger to the pad. A tiny needle clicks, in and out in half a second, puncturing a reservoir in the cyberskin fingerprint stuck to the pad of my finger. A light flashes up from the cryptoglass panel.
"Hotomatsu, Calico." The computer chirps, displaying a picture of a woman I'd never seen before today. There's a millimetre-thin layer of nanoputty masking my face, and it's the only thing standing between me and certain death. Think clear thoughts. I walk though the second gate unharmed. By the dome.

I inwardly breathe a sigh of relief as I see the security begin to lighten up. Just got to pass the retinal scan and I'll be in. I lean forward and look into the glass. It emits a welcoming ping and the last door slides open. I shamble into the corridor and wait for one of the elevators there. Waiting. Waiting. Thinking calm thoughts. Everything is fine. I pile into the elevator just like everybody else.

My name is Calico Hotomatsu. I work for Cyberdyne Medical Tech. This is my job. I am supposed to be here.

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