Monday, October 14, 2013

Last Post before the Full Launch

Production isn't as fast as I've been wanting, mainly real life baloney that is distracting and very taxing on my abilities. I suppose if I were a professional artist working on a deadline I'd just cowboy up. But as I'm ever aware- I'm firmly rooted to an amateur status.

Anyway. The Cover Page to the Webcomic prologue is complete. I'm not going to release it until the launch, but I made two promotional images based on the cover. Speaking of launch, How I would like to do it here is each chapter will have its own thread, and every subsequent page in the chapter will post to that thread every week or two- hopefully. Unfortunately I cant post it at a size that will be legible because the sidebar text gets in the way, and clicking on the images displays a slideshow of the images at the same smaller size only. So I might not be able to even post it here. Comments at any rate, will be as per a typical fanfiction on the Captain's Log forum.

I joined the SmackJeeves webhosting site which is geared to webcomics. Its bittersweet because its very plain without a custom website code structure. Which I haven't a clue how to do. I had wanted to include the Star Traders logo, and website imagery like I donated to this site as well as adverts that take readers right to the games themselves. But I'm just a content man. So anyone who's interested, I welcome any help.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Meet the Crews

Now that I'm done with the pre-production work- most of which is developing costumes, character likenesses and personality/backgrounds and all the equipment, I can finally get down to the production to chapter one. Its completely written out, and though I have a rough idea of where I want to go with the plot, I'm keeping chapters two onward nice and loose. I don't really have any examples yet of how the comic will look, having just started cobbling together the cover page, but that brings up another problem: I have only an 8.5x11 scanbed.

Anyone that draws knows that its best to draw as large as you can to minimize errors and preserve details on smaller pages. What I'm having to do is come up with a virtual page and each piece of 8.5x11 paper represents one panel on the page- less if its a large piece with lots of different images inside it.

Alright, without further ado, lets meet the main ships and more importantly- their crews:

Other characters: